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Ice shack season draws to a close in Callander

Municipality reminds you to remove your fishing hut sooner than later
USED 2021-3-8goodmorningnorthbaybct  1 Callander ice hut village. Callander. Photo by Brenda Turl for BayToday.
Callander ice hut village. Callander. Photo by Brenda Turl for BayToday.

The weeks are warming up, and the ice over Callander Bay is wearing thinner as the days go by. The municipality of Callander reminds ice fishers to remove their fish huts from municipal property by April 7th.

Sometimes people will take their huts off the ice and leave them in the parking lot of Centennial Park. This can cause congestion in the area and impede others from removing their own huts.

“The municipality wants to ensure that everyone can get off the ice safely at the end of the season,” municipal staff explained. “To do this, we limit how long ice huts can be parked on municipal property.”

And that deadline is April 7th, as it is every year. It’s outlined in by-law No. 2020-1676, which is the municipal law “regulating the parking of ice fishing huts on municipal property.”

If an ice hut is left on municipal land, the town will post a notice on the hut for the owner to remove it, and if that’s not accomplished by the ninth day since posting, the municipality will remove it, and those costs will be passed on to the owner.

Now if that hut is not claimed after April 21st, said hut will be “deemed to be Municipal property,” the by-law explained, “and will be disposed of or sold as surplus goods.”

“The municipality reserves the right to tow the hut,” municipal staff explained, and urge people to “please do your part to help us out and make ice hut removal seamless for all.”

David Briggs is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter who works out of BayToday, a publication of Village Media. The Local Journalism Initiative is funded by the Government of Canada.


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