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Ian Hamilton in the Bay for reading from his latest novel

Gulliver’s Quality Books and Toys News Release ******************** Gulliver’s will host a reading for the newly released The Disciple of Vegas, the second book from Ontario writer Ian Hamilton, on Thursday night, July 14th from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.
Gulliver’s Quality Books and Toys
News Release


Gulliver’s will host a reading for the newly released The Disciple of Vegas, the second book from Ontario writer Ian Hamilton, on Thursday night, July 14th from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.

Ian’s first book, The Water Rat of Wanchai, introduces a new heroine to mystery fiction, a Chinese Canadian female forensic accountant, who chases large sums of missing money through many countries and many misadventuresthat require all of her survival skills, including martial arts and feminine wiles.

House of Anansi Press liked the books so much that they gave the author an very large advance for rights to the entire series, and launched their own new mystery department to add to their significant literary fiction lines.

Gulliver’s is one of the first stores to host the author, and certainly the first to sell his second book, which does not officially launch until after our event. The first book received considerable media and review attention, and many are eagerly awaiting the rest of the series.
