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Hospital eases visitor restrictions

The North Bay General Hospital has eased its full visitor restriction, and visitors will be allowed on all units except 3West Scollard.
The North Bay General Hospital has eased its full visitor restriction, and visitors will be allowed on all units except 3West Scollard.

That hospital unit was declared in a situation of outbreak of influenza and visitors will continue to be restricted there.

Family members/caregivers of patients on 3W Scollard will be allowed compassionate visits and should contact the Unit Leader directly for details. Family members/caregivers of patients on 3West Scollard should also have had their flu shot or be taking the antiviral medication Tamiflu, available from their doctor.

Visitors to all areas except 3West Scollard will be allowed during regular visiting hours—11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. The hospital’s visitor policy states two visitors per person. The public is reminded to use common sense and NOT visit if they are experiencing cold, flu or gastro illness symptoms.

As well, the hospital is requesting that children not visit at this time.

Visitors are reminded to use the alcohol rinse provided upon entry and leaving the hospital.

The public is reminded that influenza is easily transmitted and can greatly affect patients and the staff providing care. Restricting visitors protects patients and staff from what could be serious complications from the flu. Since influenza is so easily transmitted there is a greater chance of our patients and staff becoming ill if someone who has symptoms chooses to visit.

Symptoms of influenza include: fever, sore throat, chest congestion, nausea and/or vomiting, muscle aches and pain. Transmission is by respiratory droplets—a sneeze and direct or indirect contact from contaminated hands and surfaces. Adults are infectious in three to five days from the onset, and children are infectious up to seven days from onset.