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Fire damages Clarion Resort

Fire Prevention Officer Randy Vezina examines the Cabinet Room at Clarion Resort Pinewood Park where fire broke out Wednesday night.

Fire Prevention Officer Randy Vezina examines the Cabinet Room at Clarion Resort Pinewood Park where fire broke out Wednesday night.

Patrons of the Clarion Resort Pinewood Park had a few tense moments Wednesday night when they were evacuated from the hotel due to a fire.

North Bay Fire Fighters responded to the call at the hotel on Pinewood Park drive at 8:10 pm.

When the crews arrived on scene at 8:16pm they discovered the flames shooting out of the ceiling of the ‘Cabinet’ meeting room.

“It was a hotel worker who discovered the fire,” explains Fire Prevention Officer Randy Vezina.

“He walked past the room and smelled smoke, opened the door and discovered flames. It’s good he had the peace of mind to close the door because he saved it from getting right into the ceiling.”

“So hats off to the employee.”

Deputy Fire Chief Grant Love also applauded the hotel staff with their professionalism when reacting to the situation.

“When we arrived we saw all the staff and guests had evacuated,” he states.

“And that’s the best thing to do ... a lot of places people wait to hear what’s going on.”

Following his investigation of the room Vezina concluded that it was failed ceiling exhaust fan that caused the fire.

“They wear out, the bearings seize and the motor heats up,” he explains.

Vezina says that the heat ignited the wood trim causing about $20,000 in damages. He also instructed hotel management to stop using other exhaust fans until they have their electrician in to check the status of the fans and replace them if need be.

He adds that there was no loss of commerce and the hotel is fully operational.