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ESA to host 1st annual Certification Day

École secondaire catholique Algonquin News Release *********************** What: École secondaire catholique Algonquin is committed to offering students every possible opportunity to participate in real experiences that will give them an advantage on

École secondaire catholique Algonquin
News Release


What: École secondaire catholique Algonquin is committed to offering students every possible opportunity to participate in real experiences that will give them an advantage on the job market.

Over 300 students will participate in the first annual ‘Certification Day’. On November 7th, grade 9 students will again take part in the Take Our Kids to Work program, and the grade 10 to 12 students will participate in a workshop that provides training and/or industry-recognized certification in their areas of interest. Certifications that will be offered include Fork Lift, Scuba Diving, Introduction to Aviation, Hunting, Snowmobile, Boating, etc.

Several community partners will be involved such as NECO, Yes Employment, the Business Centre, CDDA and Passport to Prosperity.

Where: École secondaire catholique Algonquin
555, Algonquin Avenue

When: Wednesday, November 7, 2007
9:00 a.m. until 3:30 pm.
