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Endangered species visit the Bay

Story and photos by Paige Shemilt/Special to BayToday.

Story and photos by Paige Shemilt/Special to

It’s not everyday students get to see an endangered species up close and personal and on Friday students at Widdifield Secondary School were fortunate enough to see a peregrine falcon firsthand.

Kyle Holloway, with the Canadian Peregrine Foundation and Oscar the peregrine falcon and Alexandra a great horned owl, were at the school to deliver an informative, interactive, and fun workshop on the endangered fowl.

The main focus of the presentation dealt with pesticides including DDT, and how the chemicals affect the population of these birds.

“The best way to make changes is to get to kids. Youth are who is going to make the change,” says Holloway.

He says that since it is harder to change the mind of adults, the foundation focused on kids in grades four to twelve.

Seeing the creatures up-close allowed the students to explore what their role is in helping to keep the bird’s habitat clean and safe and free of pesticides.