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End of the season for Laurentian

Doug Newell, General Manager Laurentian Ski Hill News Release ******************** It is with great regret we close for another season.

Doug Newell, General Manager
Laurentian Ski Hill
News Release


It is with great regret we close for another season.

The challenges were many this year which just makes life interesting in the long run, and when it came together the riding was great.

Yes we are off in revenue this year, but not enough to be overly concerned. We have the “rainy day fund” for years like this and that will help get us through. We will have an announcement of how things faired when we do our year-end in May.

Ski School did very well this year producing happy kids and parents learning to ski and board. We will be looking for support over the off-season to add fun things to the Bunny Hill so the kids have fun while learning. After all we do this for the fun, and at the end of the day an exhausted happy kid is the best feeling a parent can have.

The staff tried very hard to accommodate everyone and we feel they did an excellent job. We move forward with training and health and safety each year, so our staff leave with something more tangible than just a paycheque. We believe that it’s our responsibility to help the younger staff move on with skills they didn’t have when they came. If we all did this, our youth would be better served.

Our corporate support is growing again and we can’t thank them enough. You would be surprised at the number of local businesses that don’t want recognition for their help. With our sign program that advertises businesses and in turn helps us, every body wins!

Our programs to help under privileged, and disabled kids went very well this year. We partnered up with a lot of local agency’s so as many kids got to experience the hill as possible. If we were to judge the success of these partnerships by the positive reactions and smiles of the kids, then I would say the program is a fantastic success. What is truly amazing is the volunteers that bring, teach, and look out for all these kids. Remember that the people you see with these kids are not paid! They do this on their own time and often their own expense so these kids have the opportunities they have. They deserve all our thanks! If you would like to help out with these programs, contact us and we can direct you to the area where you would be most comfortable helping out.

I feel that our future is solid and with continued support, we will grow with the times.

Watch for the discount pass sale in the fall and see you next season.

From all of us at Laurentian Ski Hill, Thank You
