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Drive carefully!

OPP News Release ******************** North Bay OPP are asking motorists to use caution as winter is nearing and road conditions can change quickly! Be Prepared - Be Safe! Motorists must slow down and drive according to current road and weather condi
OPP News Release


North Bay OPP are asking motorists to use caution as winter is nearing and road conditions can change quickly! Be Prepared - Be Safe! Motorists must slow down and drive according to current road and weather conditions.

Clear snow and ice from all windows, lights, mirrors and the roof. Under the Highway Traffic Act, no person shall drive a motor vehicle unless the windshield and the windows on either side of the driver afford a clear view. This could cost you a fine of $110.

Avoid situations where you may have to brake suddenly. Use the two-second rule! This is done by picking a marker on the road such as a telephone post or road sign then when the rear of the vehicle ahead of you passes the marker start counting “one thousand and one & one thousand and two.” If the front of your vehicle reaches this marker before you count “one thousand and two”, you are following too closely. Depending on weather conditions, you may have to allow for more time.

If your traveling a long distance, plan your route and let someone know of your destination and expected time of arrival. If the weather is bad, wait until conditions improve!

Remember to dress accordingly by having warm comfortable clothing. Make sure your vehicle is mechanically ready for winter and that you keep your gas tank sufficiently full and ensure that you have sufficient windshield washer fluid and that it is rated in the –40oC temperature range.

Once on the road, be seen! Make sure your vehicle’s full lighting system is turned on – preferred at all times but most importantly in poor visibility weather.

Dialing *OPP from your cell phone will connect you to the nearest Ontario Provincial Police communication centre should you require assistance!
