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Don't fall for this Revenue Canada scam

A fraudster calls homeowners and tells them that he is a police officer from a Police Force calling on behalf of Revenue Canada who they owe money to.
201 10 26 OPP police car door turl

The Powassan OPP are warning area residents in the regions about a phone scam involving a fake Canadian Revenue Agency rep attempting to threaten police action if you don't follow their direction.  

In these instances, a fraudster calls homeowners and tells them that he is a police officer from a Police Force calling on behalf of Revenue Canada who they owe money to. 

Police say the homeowner is told they will be arrested and put in jail for 90 days if they fail to pay the outstanding debt.  

Shortly afterwards, the homeowner receives a second call from someone saying they are calling on behalf of the CRA and that money was found to be owed as a result of a Canada Revenue audit done in Michigan, USA, and Canada. 

An agreement is made for the payment of the debt owing to prevent the arrest of the homeowner.

The homeowner is told to attend their local post office and send money to an individual in Michigan.

Each call may vary, but this general information is given to the victim: 

The following is some information that will assist you in protecting yourself against fraudsters:

  • Be vigilant when anyone contacts you representing an agency asking for personal information.  Legitimate agencies that you are dealing with already have your information.
  • It is highly recommended that you do not share your personal information over communication devices.
  • Be aware that fraudsters use pressure tactics and residents should not feel pressured to give out any information or transfer any funds at any time.
  • Screen your calls to determine who is calling.
  • Fraudsters sometimes use local numbers in an attempt to get you on the phone.

Police add that the minute you recognize your caller’s fraudulent intention, hang up.

Fraudsters are skilled in getting your information and achieving their goal to defraud you, Police conclude to avoid being a victim be informed, vigilant and stay in control.