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Certification day proves a favourite with students

Once again students at École secondaire catholique Algonquin had the opportunity to gain valuable certification needed in the work world during the second annual ‘Certification Day’.

Once again students at École secondaire catholique Algonquin had the opportunity to gain valuable certification needed in the work world during the second annual ‘Certification Day’.

The day is aimed at offering students every possible opportunity to participate in real experiences that will give them an advantage on the job market and has 100% backing of the board.

“Over 400 students were registered for this year’s event and only 10 students were absent,” explains Lise Paulin the OYAP co-ordinator.

“This is our best attendance day.”

The day is open to grade 10 to 12 students who participate in workshops that provide training and/or industry-recognized certification in their areas of interest. Certifications that will be offered include Fork Lift, Scuba Diving, Safe Food Handling, GPS, CPR, Hunting, and Snowmobile to name a few.

“The students will leave with three certifications by the time they graduate,” she explains.

“They are official and that really helps those kids going directly into the work world, because employers are always asking do you have experience and the students will be able to say I have this certification.’

Paulin says not only does the school have total board support but that community partners like NECO as well as parents get behind the program because they recognise the value for their children.

Paulin also said that based on last year’s success the board expanded participation to both high schools in Mattawa and Sturgeon Falls.

“We also have teachers taking some of the courses to become trainers to help cut down on cost in the future.