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Cache Bay rink overhaul too expensive, ‘minor repairs’ planned

West Nipissing council agreed the bid for new construction was too high to accept
West Nipissing council decided to postpone Cache Bay rink replacement

West Nipissing council intended to build a new outdoor rink this year in Cache Bay. The estimated cost was $137,700, which was included in the 2023 budget. However, after putting out a request for bids, only one came back, offering to do the work for $315,000.

That’s $177,300 over budget. Council decided that was too much and called off the new rink project.

“The quote received is not considered by staff to be reasonable for the scope of work involved for this project,” noted West Nipissing’s Chief Administrative Officer, Jay Barbeau.

Instead of building a new rink, municipal staff will repair the existing site, and the cost of materials will ring in at around $4,500. Boards will be replaced, the asphalt base will be patched, and the area near the gate door will be cleaned up as well.

“By completing these repairs, the rink could be safely utilized for the upcoming season and allow the municipality to tender this project as part of the 2024 budget year,” Barbeau said.

See: Field's rink upgrades are coming at an upgraded cost

Staff figure if the call for proposals is sent out earlier in the year, they might receive more bids, which ideally will include a more affordable option to rebuild. The goal remains to build anew, but council wants to ensure the price is right.

“Unfortunately, it’s a trend we’re seeing,” said Stephan Poulin, the Director of Economic Development and Community Services. “We’re issuing requests for quotes and tenders and prices are coming in way over what we projected in our budgets.”

“With some minor repairs, we can have that rink operational as it is and safe for the public to use for another season.”

David Briggs is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter who works out of BayToday, a publication of Village Media. The Local Journalism Initiative is funded by the Government of Canada.


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