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Blue-green algae found in Lake Nipissing

A bloom of toxin producing blue-green algae has been detected in Northwest Bay, Lake Nipissing, at Lavigne says the Health Unit.

A bloom of toxin producing blue-green algae has been detected in Northwest Bay, Lake Nipissing, at Lavigne says the Health Unit.

It advises residents and visitors near this area of Lake Nipissing to take the following precautions:

  • If you use a private water system, do not use water from the lake for drinking, cooking and bathing. Boiling the water or using home water treatment devices will NOT destroy the toxins.
  • Avoid swimming or other water sport activities that could increase the risk of algae material and toxins contacting your skin or being swallowed.
  • Do not allow pets or livestock to swim in the water or drink the water.
  • Do not eat the liver, kidneys or other organs of fish caught in the water. Be cautious about eating the other parts of the fish caught in water where blue-green algae blooms occur.

While the blue-green algae may not show the presence of toxins, there is always the risk that toxins could be produced. These toxins may stay in the water for up to three weeks after the algae bloom is gone.

These precautions are effective immediately.

The Health Unit and the District Office of the Ministry of the Environment cannot tell after blue-green algae blooms have been detected when the water is safe to use for private water systems.