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Being wise about bears

Ministry of Natural Resources News Release *********************** The province’s Bear Wise program is up and running for a fourth year, Natural Resources Minister David Ramsay announced today.
Ministry of Natural Resources
News Release


The province’s Bear Wise program is up and running for a fourth year, Natural Resources Minister David Ramsay announced today.

“Education is a key component of the Bear Wise program and our website and phone line have helped thousands of people learn more about bears and how to reduce bear problems,” said Ramsay. “Together we are making a difference and improving community safety and awareness.”

The program includes educational material such as an electronic book for schools, a new Bear Wise activity book, and the ‘bear in a box’, which is a new educational tool that ministry staff can use when they visit schools. The ministry will also be launching a curriculum for grades 2, 4 and 7 later this year. The curriculum was tested in Englehart and Peterborough and was positively received.

The Bear Wise program also provides funding for communities to become more bear aware. In 2006, 58 communities received $834,760 for 75 projects. Funding will be available for 2007. The program continues to have real results across the North, from teaching children what to do should they encounter a bear, to reducing the number of nuisance bear calls received by community police forces.

“We can’t ignore the fact that black bears are a part of the environment in which we work and play across Northern Ontario.” said Timmins City Councillor Gary Scripnick. “The Bear Wise program has provided us with the tools and information we need to minimize the potential bear problems we are faced with daily.”

The Bear Wise program is based on four cornerstones – reporting, response, prevention, and education and awareness.

“We all have a role to play in reducing human-bear conflicts,” said Ramsay. “Simple actions such as bear-proofing your garbage, not leaving pet food outside and cleaning outdoor grills can make a big difference in minimizing nuisance bear activities.”

People who have bear problems can call the toll-free Bear Wise phone line anytime at 1-866-514-2327, during bear season. In a life-threatening emergency, call 911 or your local police.
