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Anthony's pay freeze motion sent to committee

Councillor Mike Anthony says he is disappointed that his motion to implement a pay freeze for city councillors for the 2011 tax year was sent to committee for study; by Councillor Judy Koziol.
Councillor Mike Anthony says he is disappointed that his motion to implement a pay freeze for city councillors for the 2011 tax year was sent to committee for study; by Councillor Judy Koziol.

"The motion was not a surprise; I talked about it during the colleagues knew it was coming," said Anthony.

He says the motion was not about saving ‘big bucks,’ rather leading by example. The average take home pay for councillors is about $17,000 a year and $19,000 for the Deputy Mayor and the mayor takes home pay is around $50,000. For council the increase, based on the Canadian Consumer Price Index, will be about $350 each.

Anthony fully acknowledges that the dollars involved would not have a huge impact on decreasing the city’s budget which is in excess of 100-million. But he says the message it sends is the right one -- and a strong message.

“We make sacrifice before we ask the taxpayer for one more dime in new taxes.”

"When the economic recovery is slow; and some people are stretched pretty thin, it would be nice to say we declined our annual CPI increase.”

“It would be powerful to turn down a pay raise before we asked the community for more new taxation," states Anthony.

He points out that several other cities across Ontario are doing similar things because they know it sends a message of personal restraint on behalf of council before they reach into tax payers’ pockets again.

Councillor George Maroosis seconded the motion. He and Anthony wanted to deal with the matter Monday night, but the majority of elected officials sent the idea to committee for study. Anthony now feels the move leaves two options.

"If this is left on the committee file indefinitely then the pay freeze dies; and no-one has to say they voted in favour of taking the increase … yet they will still get it.”

“The best hope is for the Chair of General Government to bring this forward at the next Committee Meeting Jan 17th, and then move it forward to a full council vote on January 24th.”

“If it's not done before the council paycheques come out at the end of January the increase will have become a reality without Councillors voting on it in public," he says.

Anthony says if the motion dies in committee over the next couple of weeks, and the increases go through for councillors he has plans for his additional cash increase.

"I will find causes and groups to donate to in the city over the coming year, to the tune of $350."