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Algonquin students drive home a message

Students at Ecole Secondaire Catholique Algonquin wrapped up their No Regrets State Farm project by staging a mock crash on Jane Street Friday morning.
Students at Ecole Secondaire Catholique Algonquin wrapped up their No Regrets State Farm project by staging a mock crash on Jane Street Friday morning.

The project, made possible with funding the team won from State Farm earlier in the year, is designed to help raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and distracted behaviour.

The scenario, which was a partnership between the No Regrets team and their community partners (North Bay City Police, North Bay Ambulance and North Bay Fire & Emergency Services), is a car crash involving students on the way to school the morning after partying the night before.

The driver had not allowed enough time to elapse for the alcohol to leave her system before getting behind the wheel of a car and she loses control of the car and hits a fellow student who didn’t hear of see the vehicle because he was listening to music and texting while crossing the street.

After witnessing the events on the street the students then had a debriefing assembly back at the school.

No Regrets faculty member Karen Ducharme says it is important to show students that it takes time to get rid of that alcohol from the system and that not paying attention to one’s surroundings can have dire consequences.