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Al pumped about gas prices

Al McDonald got all pumped up about gas prices today. He held a news conference in front of a local service station this morning to do a little petrol preaching.
Al McDonald got all pumped up about gas prices today.
He held a news conference in front of a local service station this morning to do a little petrol preaching.
Further details are included in the following news release issued today by McDonald's campaign team:

Conservative Candidate Al McDonald took to the pumps today in a display of the true differences between the New Conservatives and the Old Liberals.

“The Chrétien/Martin Liberals seem very content on running on their perception of the Conservatives rather then their own record of the past 11 years. A record marked by scandals, boondoggles, and broken promises. The Chrétien/Martin Liberals have failed to act in the best interest of our country and have failed to take action when it was needed,” said McDonald.

“A perfect example of the true differences between the Old Liberals and the New Conservative Party lies in the sky-high gas prices we all are facing as we enter another weekend. The Conservative Party understands that the current price of gas is too high and that is why we were quick to act and propose a tax break on all gas prices over 85 cents.”

Al went on to point out that the Chrétien/Martin Liberals have failed to act to bring down gas prices, offering only to bring it up at the next G-8 meeting.

“The federal government will make more then $230 million because of these ridiculous gas prices and I don’t think that is fair to the people of this riding. The government of Canada should not be adding to the burden being placed on Canadians by rising gas prices.”

Al said he was proud to see Stephen Harper act quickly to propose a change in the gas tax that would eliminate the GST on gas prices above 85 cents, as well as remove the GST placed on the excise tax already contained within the price at the pumps and thereby lower the cost of gas for everyone in the riding.

“Driving is a necessary part of all our lives, we need to get to work, get the kids to school, these are not options. The people of Nipissing-Timiskaming demand a government that will act to make their lives better and only the New Conservative Party can deliver that type of government.”