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Adventures in Kenya

Hope2Kenya Team News Release ******************** On Sunday, February 22, at 7 p.m., Daniel Lipparelli will be speaking to a North Bay audience at Trinity United Church. This talk is open to the public.
Hope2Kenya Team
News Release


On Sunday, February 22, at 7 p.m., Daniel Lipparelli will be speaking to a North Bay audience at Trinity United Church. This talk is open to the public. Daniel has worked with Sandy Foster’s Hope2Kenya Team of North Bay for the past two years developing projects for orphans and widows in Kenya.

Daniel has a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and is the founder and international director of Transformed International. He was born and raised in Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. and moved to Kenya in January 2004 to work with orphan children. After 6 months of living in a mud hut with a grass roof, surrounded by Kenyan children, Daniel knew that he had found his new home and the adventure for which he was looking. In March of 2006, he knew that it was time to start his own project now known as Transformed International (TI).

By working and partnering with other ministries, individuals, organizations, and countries, TI works towards a united common goal of alleviating crisis in the third world.

In the last three years TI has grown and expanded. Daniel’s hope is to be able to reproduce the same models being used in Kenya to other third world countries. He also desires to spend several months a year in North America speaking and encouraging youth and young adults to step out of the box and experience life to its fullest.

We are fortunate to have Daniel in our city. Come and hear about his adventures in Kenya on February 22rd, 2009 at Trinity United Church (use the McIntyre street entrance) at 7:00pm. Tea and coffee will be served following his presentation and guests will have a chance to visit with him personally.
