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A great reason for a coffee break

Marc Paxton offers a host of Timothy's Coffee flavours as part of the Alzheimer Society's 'Coffee Break'. Canadians coast to coast gathered Thursday for a coffee break in support of those touched by Alzheimer's disease and North Bay was no exception.

Marc Paxton offers a host of Timothy's Coffee flavours as part of the Alzheimer Society's 'Coffee Break'.

Canadians coast to coast gathered Thursday for a coffee break in support of those touched by Alzheimer's disease and North Bay was no exception.

‘Coffee Break’ is the Alzheimer Society's nationwide fundraiser helping to raise money for critical programs and services for people with Alzheimer's disease, their caregivers and their families.

From restaurants to grocery stores and retail outlets even City Hall, North Bay residents did their part to help.

With a donation to the Alzheimer Society individuals were rewarded with a cup of coffee, and/or folks also had an opportunity to purchase a paper cut-out of a coffee cup to show their support at various businesses.

Marc Paxton, Paxton Distributing owner, donated Timothy’s Coffee for the event at City Hall and says it was an easy decision to get behind the effort.

“To be honest it (Alzheimer’s disease) scares me,” he states.

“I have a six year old daughter and we are building memories … the thought of losing all of that scares me.”

“To know someone you have spent your life with doesn’t remember you would be heartbreaking,” he adds.

Alzheimer's disease is described as a progressive, degenerative brain disease that has related dementias affect on an estimated 450,000 Canadians. Or simply 1 in every 13 Canadians over the age of 65 are affected and the number is expected to increase dramatically as the population ages.

There is no known cure for the disease.