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LETTER: Upholding rights. Public photography at North Bay Police building

'The belief by the North Bay police that they can issue a policy prohibiting the taking of photos or videos of the building and its employees is a clear misunderstanding of the fundamental principles of a free and democratic society'
Signs prohibiting photography are displayed at the North Bay Police Service headquarters,

Editor's note: Mr. Piche writes in response to the BayToday story Photos and video prohibited at North Bay Police headquarters.


Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent actions of the North Bay police in attempting to restrict public photography and videography at a public building they occupy. It is alarming to see our own public servants trying to limit the rights of taxpayers to capture images in a public space owned by the people.

The belief by the North Bay police that they can issue a policy prohibiting the taking of photos or videos of the building and its employees is a clear misunderstanding of the fundamental principles of a free and democratic society. There is no expectation of privacy in public spaces, especially when it comes to public servants carrying out their duties.

The actions of the North Bay police go against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, specifically, section 2(b) which guarantees freedom of expression. As public servants, they have a duty to uphold the rights and freedoms of all individuals, not to suppress them based on personal preferences.

It is essential that someone takes a stand against this unlawful policy and challenges it in a court of law. The signs restricting photography and videography must be removed, and the North Bay police must be reminded of their obligation to respect the rights of the people they serve.

It is time for the North Bay police to remember that they are law enforcement officers who have sworn to uphold the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, not to impose their personal feelings on the public. Let us all stand together to protect our rights and freedoms from such unwarranted restrictions.

It's called transparency and accountability if the public servants do not like it they can go work in the private sector.

Kevin Randell Piche

North Bay