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Letter: Thanks BayToday, problem solved!

Her beautiful indoor living space is her own again

Editor's note: Ms. Pott's letter refers to two BayToday articles. Cannabis smoke from neighbouring apartment threatening senior's health and Tenant struggling with second hand marijuana smoke.


To the editor:

My appreciation goes out to BayToday!

Thank you, Jeff Turl and Chris Dawson for excellent, thorough, and fair journalistic coverage which resulted in a positive outcome for my sister.

Although she forgoes going out onto her balcony at certain times, because of smoke from the shared balcony, she considers this only a slight and non-health-threatening inconvenience and is relieved to report that all of the helpful suggestions, kind and empathetic responses to her story, and Skyline's interventions in correcting, the problem of smoke in her apartment have now resulted in a more comfortable and healthy living environment.

Her beautiful indoor living space is her own again.

She has restful nights of sleep and enjoys her mealtimes.

Much appreciation,
Ronda Potts