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Letter: Reader frustrated by North Bay drivers

If I do blow the horn they look at me "like what is your problem?"

To the editor:

Does this only happen in small towns or is it everywhere?

I'm driving down my street to the stop sign to make a right turn. A vehicle is approaching from my right to turn onto my street.

They turn directly into my lane rather than keeping to their side of the street.

If I do blow the horn they look at me "like what is your problem?"

This happens at many intersections and has caused accidents mainly because that person was in a hurry or really just doesn't care. (the "it's all about me attitude").

By definition an accident is something that could have often been prevented by paying attention.

David Colquhoun

North Bay

Editor's note: Oxford Dictionary defines accident as "an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.