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LETTER: Reader bemoans money already spent on new arena

'The federal government's contribution of $26 million is money that will be paid by we the over-taxed people trying to make ends meet and put food on the table. So much money is spent on hockey that only benefits part of the population'
20200316 Pete Palangio
Pete Palangio Arena. File photo.

To the editor:

The total fees paid to date to the architects and consultants for the original and revised design documents for the proposed twin ice pad arena at the very remote Omischl location would go a long way to updating and renovating the two existing facilities.

The Pete Palangio double rink and the West Ferris (Sam Jacks) arena are better located within the populated areas of North Bay.

With all the money paid out so far, we still do not have the proposed Omischl project. It has become a fiasco that should it come about would not be completed by 2026.

The federal government contribution of $26 million is money paid by we the over-taxed people trying to make ends meet and put food on the table. So much money is spent on hockey that only benefits part of the population.

As for a walking track, what could be more appealing than Northgate Shopping Centre where there is plenty to see, people to meet and places to socialize? It is also a convenient place where much of the population visits regularly.

My advice to the North Bay city council: “Give your heads a shake” after you tell us what has been spent on fees to date.

Thoughtfully submitted,

Paul Trussler