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Letter: New arena a 'pink elephant'

If this plan goes ahead you can be assured that the cost will be in the same predicament as past history with this city's extravagant spending
Twin pad arena

Editor's note: Mr. Bedard writes in response to the BayToday article Low bid is $70.8M for construction of Lakeshore community centre.


To the editor:

Well, well!

From $51.6 million to almost $71 million to build this twin ice pad rink? At the end of Lakeshore Drive? Does this not remind everyone out there of the Memorial Gardens' upgrade which ran over budget just a few years ago?

If this plan goes ahead you can be assured that the cost will be in the same predicament as past history with this city's extravagant spending. Can the city, sorry, can the taxpayers afford this project that will benefit the 5% that will use this pink elephant?

A few years ago it was the government dock, now, it's this thing that does not, and will not, benefit anywhere close to fifteen per cent of North Bay and the surrounding population!

That's what I call a real mismanagement of our tax dollars ladies and gentlemen! Look at some of our streets, our sidewalks the downtown paving stones that are falling apart! Surely this city and council can find better ways to spend our money in a useful manner that would benefit the majority of our ratepayers?

Our aging population's paychecks don't even match the inflation rate and are getting poorer and poorer!

It is about time that our council had their eyes opened and started thinking about them. Axe this wasteful spending with projects that do not do anything for the majority of the people.

Gabriel Bedard

North Bay