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Letter: Moving seniors is cruel, inhuman and evil

To be moved away from everything that's familiar--family, friends, community, services--at the most vulnerable point in one's life
The "More Beds, Better Care Act," is a controversial law that allows Ontario hospitals to force some elderly patients to pay up if they refuse to move into a long-term care facility.

Editor's note: Ms. Kilburn refers to the BayToday story Elderly hospital patients shipped to faraway nursing homes


To the editor:

I never thought I would live to see the day that such a vicious assault on older people would take place in Ontario.

To be moved away from everything that's familiar--family, friends, community, services--at the most vulnerable point in one's life.

I can't think of anything crueller. Inhuman. Evil.

And all the while, this is a function of conscious political degradation of the long-term care health services throughout the province. In favour of private, fee-for-service, for-profit institutions. The same ones that had a *proven* record of much worse care than public homes, during COVID.

This incompetent, this lapdog of corporatism, is still sitting on federal transfer funds that were to be directed at COVID support.

This is unspeakable. These politicians took oaths to SERVE Ontario and its citizens. So add liars and traitors to the list.

I'm so very glad to see the Charter challenge going ahead. This is a patently obvious denial of the human rights of older adults in the province. The only added salt in the wound is that WE will pay this disgusting government's legal costs to fight the challenge. Fraud and companies will not pay one single dime. They never have, and they never will.

This should be a jailable offence.

 Kathleen Kilburn

North Bay