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Letter: Kate Pace Way becoming the Wild West

'My concern is for the safety of the users'
Entrance to the Kate Pace Way. Some users have safety concerns.

To the editor:

With the late-season beautiful weather comes continued outdoor activity. The KPW is no exception, perhaps it gets even more use as an established option almost year-round.

My concern is for the safety of the users. It seems many users play by their own rules, for many reasons, it would seem. One is their own perceived safety. But in order for the KPW to be safe, we all must play by the same rules.

Perhaps the City of North Bay could respond to this letter with a simple letter detailing the most basic rules of use so that we don't have traffic going in both directions in both lanes, or dogs off leash etc etc.

It seems like the Wild West out there at times!

Thank you in advance for providing clarity.

Stephen Mitchell

North Bay