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Letter: Highway 63 rail crossing 'dangerous'

'I do not think anything has been done to improve it in years, to the point it is dangerous on two wheels'

To the editor:

I am writing and hope that others will comment on what I have to say.

I have been riding a motorcycle for over 30 years and although I do not live in North Bay I do enjoy the surrounding back roads

One of those is Four Mile Lake Road.

The only real problem is the rail crossing near Highway 63.

I do not think anything has been done to improve it in years, to the point it is dangerous on two wheels. You have to almost come to a complete stop, but really can't do that.

Last year I tried calling those that I thought might help but just got the "pass the buck" answer. If anyone knows who is a contact that might even look into it, it sure would be appreciated.

David Colquhoun

West Nipissing