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Letter: Do officials push for protective measures? Robert Nelly

I felt compelled to respond to Mr Nelly's letter of July 17th with respect to his views on the covid situation in Canada and locally.
2021 04 17 Freedom Rally (Campaigne) 7
A Freedom Rally at the North Bay waterfront in 2021.

To the Editor, 

I felt compelled to respond to Mr Nelly's letter of July 17th with respect to his views on the covid situation in Canada and locally.  The writer's letter presents quite frankly as a case study in Mass Formation and is troubling on several fronts.  He presents a personal experience and then goes on to cite various "experts" as supporting his theory as to what should transpire next, then argues for a replication of the very policies that have DEMONSTRABLY NOT WORKED  for the last two plus years.  In the end he is simply hightlighting his submission to fear, paranoia and pseudoscience.  It is disturbing to also see a major local media entity in Bay Today give a soap box to this doomsday mentality without providing a counter signal to balance the topic.

What the world has endured and Canada perhaps more so than most other jurisdictions, is over two years of political science, medical malfeasance and government overreach as opposed to sound public health policy.  Mr Nelly seems to be cheerleading for a return to this insanity.

1.  Masks are ineffective at containing spread.  The simple fact that we've endured seven "waves" of covid during which most of that time mask mandates were in effect is testament to that.  Further, studies are emerging showing the negative impacts on health both physical and mental of prolonged mask use. 

2. Viruses attenuate DOWN not up.  That is to say, the more it mutates the weaker it gets. This is virology 101. Any TV doctor saying otherwise is spreading the approved narrative not actual science.

3. Seating and capacity limits.  6 foot safe,.......anything less is danger is a meme that should be consigned to the dustbin where it belongs.  It was never sound infectious disease policy.  It was plucked from a 19th century medical journal paper by German physician Karl Flugge. Its intended purpose with respect to covid was to amplify public fear and thus compliance.

4. Up take on boosters and second boosters is plummeting.  For good reason.  There has never been a time in history where it was necessary to take multiple injections for a pathogen every 3-6 months.  This is confirmation that the products DO NOT WORK.  Arguments that it "prevents serious illness and hospitalizations " are being destroyed daily by the latest data.

5. Closing the borders and shutting down travel is dangerous lunacy.  We've been there, done doesn't work.

At the time of writing (July 22, 2022) PHAC has the following datat on its website. From the beginning of the "pandemic" until now, an estimated 4.05 million Canadians contracted covid 19. ( for 13 months of this period there was no inoculation available, and no early treatment regime permitted).   According to PHAC 43661 Canadians have died from "covid related" issues.  This does not specify as FROM covid or WITH covid.  This translates to around a 1% infection fatality rate.  If the 85% of these deaths that occurred in long term care with multiple comorbidities are removed, the figure falls to 0.15%.  That is ONE FIFTEENTH OF 1%.  Read that again.

As a first responder for over 30 years in the largest city in Canada, I worked through two pandemics ( SARS 1, H1N1), and the first 10 months of the public policy nightmare that has been the covid 19 response.  History will record the last two plus years as the largest public policy and public health failure in Canadian history.

Elected representatives, unelected bureaucrats, and the media are all complicit in this. NO ONE in the (mainstream) media seems interested in pursuing valid questions like:

1. Why were effective early treatments used in other jurisdictions not pursued and even BANNED in Canada?
2. If the experimental products Canadians were pressured, gas lit, coerced, and mandated to subject themselves to were "safe and effective", why were pharma companies given immunity from liability and why has PHAC very quietly set up an over $75 MILLION DOLLAR vaccine injury fund?
3. Why are family and emergency room physicians STILL being threatened with censure and ruin for reporting vaccine injuries?
4. Why have federal, provincial, municipal governments and regional health units openly ignored and disregarded the Constitution, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Canada Health Act, and Personal Health Information Protection Act to pursue a policy of mass inoculation of the population for a virus with a 99% survival rate?

There could well be rational and sound explanations for all of the above.  But the very topic of covid has been made forbidden for public debate. Why?
Covid 19 has had a minimal impact on North Bay and the surrounding area.  The covid RESPONSE in Canada and locally has created a massive mental health crisis among our youth and children. The opiod crisis has gone from troubling to devastating.  Covid policies have left a swath of destruction, despair, and fear in our community, and our local economy in shambles.  A short walk or drive around North Bay can verify this to anyone paying attention, despite the chanting of federal and provincial politicians to the contrary.

A return to the very policies that created this devastation as Mr. Nelly advocates is not a solution but a guarantee of continued irreparable harm and suffering.

Greg Galante