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Letter: Council must change budget process

Mr. Rennick's questions and points deserve a public discussion and resolution

Editor's note: Mr. Mckee is writing in response to the BayToday article City councillors are mishandling the water budget.


To the editor:

If you want a legacy Mr. Mayor, then please choose to do particular, the budgeting process differently. The public needs more understanding ..the staff process less dominant.

As a business person having done budgeting over many years, I cannot perceive how a budget based on the previous year's budget is acceptable to you and the council

Mr. Rennick's questions and points deserve a public discussion and resolution.

I HAVE NEVER SEEN a public response to what appears to be these well thought out points.

If the timing of budgeting preparation is the issue, then changing the timing should be undertaken as opposed to using fictitious prior year base numbers.

David Mckee

North Bay