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Letter: Better street snow clearing needed at Pro Cathedral

'There are high snowbanks, narrower driving lanes, unclear sidewalks for mobility scooters, and unclear parking spaces'
The Pro Cathedral in North Bay.

To the editor:

I want to start by saying I am so glad that so far we have been really lucky this winter with the mild temperatures and below-normal snowfall.

A short winter suits me fine. I know over the last couple of weeks we kind of made up for lost time in the snow department and it shows throughout the city.

There are high snowbanks, narrower driving lanes, unclear sidewalks for mobility scooters, and unclear parking spaces.

I had a fellow Parishioner at the Pro Cathedral approach me to address the issue of parking in a handicapped zone outside the church. It was evident it was unclear, especially for disabled and seniors that attend daily masses.

The snow had stopped falling well over 24 hours prior. Even ahead of the handicapped zone on Algonquin Avenue are parking metered spots that have been used as a snow dump. In order to use these spots you would be parking directly on the driving lane and blocking all traffic into the city.

I have mobility issues dealing with Multiple Sclerosis, and I attend the Church on a regular basis. I can tell you the majority attending are seniors. Please keep our streets and sidewalks clear. 

Daley Boutilier

North Bay