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Letter: 352 Lakeshore Drive is lipstick on a pig says reader

I cannot fathom that an inspector would ever pass this unsafe, gutted, undeveloped framework for a residential medical centre

Editor's note: The author writes regarding Ontario announces $6.84M for 53 new local addictions treatment beds.


To the editor: 

In reference to the site of the 56-bed, addiction recovery home, IMO this building should have been condemned and is not fit to house another car lot, never mind a residential facility!!

Crumbling concrete, walls falling in different directions, and 2- to 4-inch gaps between the upper and lower half of the building!!

I cannot fathom that an inspector would ever pass this unsafe, gutted, undeveloped framework for a residential medical centre!

Into this unsafe situation will be complete rewiring and extensive plumbing requiring jackhammering the floor in an extremely compromised structure. Someone needs to rethink this "clown show" and take accountability for this insane project!

Lee Manner

North Bay