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Electile Dysfunction

With a year remaining on his self-imposed 4-year term, does anyone other than Steve Harper and his cronies think we need an election in Canada? One of the few good ideas that Harper brought to his term in office was setting fixed election dates with
With a year remaining on his self-imposed 4-year term, does anyone other than Steve Harper and his cronies think we need an election in Canada? One of the few good ideas that Harper brought to his term in office was setting fixed election dates with Bill C-16. Now, strictly for political expedience, he wants to call an election before his term is over. Why?

Stevie, as friend George Dubyah calls him, knows that the Liberals are vulnerable. The Liberals have financial problems as well as a shaky faith in their leader, so in this weakened state, Harper is fairly certain he can win an election. The Bloc and NDP will never be a threat. The Green Party has no policies other than mentioning the words ‘green’ and ‘environment’ and ‘global warming’ and blaming all problems on the governing party of the day – a platform that may eventually mature into the NDP platform.

Stevie admits he may end up with another minority government – the same situation we have been in for the past three years. He now claims this is unworkable, leading to a dysfunctional parliament.  But how dysfunctional has this parliament been? The Conservatives have pushed through almost every piece of legislation they wanted. Budgets have passed with only a little whining from the opposition. Cuts in services have been met with acquiescence, GST lowered with only jaundiced cries from media critics and a few grandstanders on the Hill. Harper has been able to run roughshod over the opposition as if he had a majority.

Now he seemingly wants to run roughshod over the electors by calling an election before his 4-year mandate expires. He hopes to destroy the Liberal party at the polls using our votes. If I felt that the country was going to hell in a hand basket, I might relish the thoughts of an early election. But I do not. As much as I like Stevie’s fiscal policy and dislike his social policy, I do not want an election now. Give us another year to assess your true colours, Steve.

How do we stop this madness? Call his bluff. When he goes to the GG saying that the government cannot continue to function, Michaëlle Jean should accept his resignation as Prime Minister and pick up the phone. Ask M. Dion if he can form a government. When Dion, much to Stevie’s surprise, says yes, install the Liberals as the government. Michaëlle would normally follow the advice of her 1st Minister, but she does not have to dissolve parliament. And she really, really wanted to go to those Games!

I would guess that Michaëlle has backbone to do it, too. The question is whether Dion has. Maybe if he knew the call was coming he could take a Viagra . . .

Bill Walton

About the Author: Bill Walton

Retired from City of North Bay in 2000. Writer, poet, columnist
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