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Dinged Again

Sorry Anthony, but that does it. It was bad enough to have Dingwall rip us off but to have McCallum stand up in the House and repeatedly read what the lawyers told him to say was away too much.
Sorry Anthony, but that does it.

It was bad enough to have Dingwall rip us off but to have McCallum stand up in the House and repeatedly read what the lawyers told him to say was away too much. The fear of a lawsuit by a thief and a crook? Bring him to court so we can all hear how he took our tax dollars and laughed at us all the way to the bank. Probably McCallum’s old bank, if one can read the Liberal mentality.

Chewing gum on an expense report? Do you Liberals not understand that you are paid a salary and with that salary you pay for things like chewing gum and coffee just like the rest of us? Maybe you do not do follow these despicable habits, Anthony, but when you run with the wolves you soon learn to howl. Or your voice is drowned out by the yapping of the pack.

Perhaps it is just the old Liberal cabinet, who under Chrétien saw what they could get away with, but somehow I think your party has simply been in power too long. And guess what – you can not buy us off with a few dollars of tax rebates. Your party had the opportunity to shave some points off the GST when it was meeting the debt requirements, but instead your back-room boys wanted to first give the money away to themselves and the civil servants in the form of an increased mileage allowance! And for pity’s sake, don’t blame it on some committee – take the responsibility for that yourself.

If there is anyone in Canada, other than some indoctrinated Liberal, who does not think that we have been ripped off at the gas pumps, they should go back on their meds. Can’t do anything about it? Or won’t? This opportunistic gouging of the petroleum cartels may just be a prime example of capitalism at work, but their greed is having a ripple effect that will eventually drive an even bigger wedge between the haves and the haves not. It is time someone, and that looks like the Liberal government right now, put on the brakes before history repeats itself and the poor people rise up and smite the rich people again.

And I do think your party will be smitten at the polls after Gomery. I just wish we had some better options. Perhaps it is time for some people of principle to run as Independents and give the old parties four years off to reconsider how they will govern in the future.

Consider it a ‘time out’ for bad behaviour. But don’t go too far away, because I will likely vote for you again after your ‘vacation’.

Bill Walton

About the Author: Bill Walton

Retired from City of North Bay in 2000. Writer, poet, columnist
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