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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

School’s out? Get on your bike! Now that school is coming to an end, the North Bay Police would like to provide the following safety tips for parents with young cyclists.

School’s out? Get on your bike!

Now that school is coming to an end, the North Bay Police would like to provide the following safety tips for parents with young cyclists. As well, motorists are reminded to share the road with cyclists of all ages.

Bicycle helmets must be worn by everyone under 18 years of age. Parents could be charged $80 if their child is not wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle. A bicycle helmet lowers the chance of a brain injury following an accident by 85 per cent. While it’s not illegal for those 18 years and over to ride a bicycle without a helmet, it’s a wise practice for cyclists of all ages to wear one.

Know the 2V1 rule for fitting bicycle helmets. Put the helmet on the head so that it is not tilting backwards or forwards. Then check the following: Two fingers distance from helmet to eyebrow; V-shape straps around each ear; and one finger between chin and fastened strap.

Bicycles are considered vehicles and cyclists have the same rights and duties as motorists.

Under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and City of North Bay bylaws, cyclists must:
Stop at all stop signs and red lights;
Signal for all lane changes, turns and stops;
Ride on the right side of the road;
Ride only in the designated direction on one-way streets;
Stay off sidewalks;
Use a white front light and a red rear light or reflector when driving at night; and
Have a bell or horn on a bike.

Parents are asked to teach their children how to use hand signals on bicycles.