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Thursday, March 20, 2008

FRAUD PROBLEM The North Bay Police is still getting complaints from citizens that they are negotiating with potential buyers on articles that they have for sale.

The North Bay Police is still getting complaints from citizens that they are negotiating with potential buyers on articles that they have for sale.
The potential buyer states they will send more money than necessary in the form of a fraudulent cheque or money order and that the seller need only take what they need for the article and then return the remainder of the money.
We are advising the public to be cautious and that it is the seller who is on the financial hook for any fraudulent cheque or money order and that to recover these funds would be extremely difficult.


The North Bay Police Service is once again launching it’s campaign to promote locking of vehicle doors and articles within our communities.
We continuously get victims who state that they either left something within the vehicle that was visible or that the vehicle itself was not locked.
It should be noted that with people who are drug dependant, any source of potential funds are a priority with them.
We will give one tip a day in this prevention promotion.
Today’s tip is quite simple, and that is to ensure the vehicle windows, sunroof and doors are locked.


On the 19th of March Det. Csts. Fernando Cirullo and Dan Robertson of the North Bay Police arrested a male in relation to a sexual assault complaint they received from a female. It is alleged that the sexual assault occurred earlier this month.
Jeremy GARDINER 32 years old of Wickstead Av. is charged with Sexual Assault and is to appear in court on the 13th of May.


On the 20th of March shortly after 3 AM it is alleged that Csts. Dave Wilson and Tom Robertson of the North Bay Police attended a noisy party complaint at a home in the 600 block of Gormanville Rd.
Once the host was advised of the noise complaint, he went berserk. He allegedly began punching holes in the walls of the home, smashing a chair through the entrance way and then he further allegedly went outside and began screaming at the officers. In an attempt to subdue him one of the officers was attacked in the groin area and the man had to be tasered to effect the arrest.
Neil YOUNG 21 years old of Gormanville Rd. is charged with Mischief and Assault Police. He is to appear in court on the 29th of April.


During daylight hours thieves gained access to a residence in the 1100 block of Brookes St. via a rear door.
Once inside they ransacked the entire home and stole a credit card and various medication.

Overnight on the 17th of March thieves made their way into a residence in the 400 block of McIntyre St. E. Once inside they stole a quantity of DVDs.

A man broke into his mother’s residence on the 19th of March. He was surprised in the act of attempting to steal medication to support his dependency habit. He ran out of the home and refused to leave the property until he received the drugs. The North Bay Police were called and upon arrival the man had fled. A warrant has been requested for his arrest.