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Lack of mayoral leadership made me run: Chirico

'Leaders don’t just sit on their docks tweeting all day pretending everything is great when it’s not'
2021 peter chirico 1 turl
Mayoral candidate Peter Chirico says North Bay has been directionless for too long.

North Bay Mayoral Candidate Peter Chirico fired the first shots today, saying he is hoping for a "spirited campaign."

He zeroed in on what he sees as a lack of leadership from outgoing mayor Al McDonald.

While not naming McDonald, Chirico said in a news release that “North Bay has been directionless for too long."

"I decided to throw my name in because I want my children and grandchildren to live here, I want newcomers to see North Bay as their number one choice when they think about where they want to live in Ontario.  I decided to run because I believe there has been a lack of vision and a lack of leadership, and I believe I can change that.”

Chirico also took a jab at McDonald, who lives on Trout Lake in East Ferris, for his penchant for using social media.

"Leaders don’t just sit on their docks tweeting all day pretending everything is great when it’s not. Our downtown is in trouble, we have people coming from other communities for addiction services, but they never leave, tent encampments have made people afraid to venture out, and the list goes on.”

Chirico indicated his campaigning will begin in earnest following the Labour Day long weekend, but he is headed to the doors in the next few days.

A public campaign event is also scheduled for Thursday, September 8 where Chirico says he will outline his multi-point platform and his vision for the city.

“I think voters will like what I have to say. A lot of thought has gone into my plan. I’ve had a very dedicated group of local folks who have helped me develop it, at the end of the day though, the vision is mine.”

While Chirico cautions things aren’t going to change overnight, he says the next council has to get serious about finding solutions. “I have the leadership skills and experience needed to bring council together, work with the senior levels of government and the private sector as we implement the changes needed.”

Chirico served on council as deputy mayor, budget chief, and the chair of the General Government committee under Vic Fedeli and Al McDonald.

While on council Chirico resigned to take a senior staff role at the City.

“Over the years, both on and off council, I have volunteered in the community and been involved in a number of initiatives that have benefited North Bay and area.  For example, I currently serve on the boards of One Kids Place, Canadore College and the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation.” Said Chirico.

Chirico, president of the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce, says he is an advocate for small business. “The majority of our local private sector businesses are small in nature and serve as the backbone of the local and regional economy.  I am a big proponent of shopping local and supporting local business.”

Three candidates are in the race for mayor with Chirico, present councillor Johanne Brousseau and newcomer Leslie McVeety filing papers.

See: Municipal election nominations are in as deadline passes

The election is October 24th.

Jeff Turl

About the Author: Jeff Turl

Jeff is a veteran of the news biz. He's spent a lengthy career in TV, radio, print and online, covering both news and sports. He enjoys free time riding motorcycles and spoiling grandchildren.
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