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Letters to the Editor

Letter: We're now in a crisis situation. We can't get a doctor

Letter: We're now in a crisis situation. We can't get a doctor

'What would you vote for: better healthcare or a new arena? Just ask everyone in the waiting room of the ER'
Letter: This holiday season be nice to hospitality workers

Letter: This holiday season be nice to hospitality workers

'You can tell a lot about someone by how they treat the person serving them; hence, the value of kindness cannot be overstated'
Letter: Does Tweedsmuir school have a lost time capsule?

Letter: Does Tweedsmuir school have a lost time capsule?

'I can't remember the year precisely or where the capsule would have been placed'
Letter : Our medical system we have is not working properly

Letter: Our medical system we have is not working properly

The Ontario Conservative Government does not care about the health of my mother-in-law or the health of any other person in this province
Letter: Palliative care gets a spotlight it deserves

Letter: Palliative care gets a spotlight it deserves

Palliative care in Canada is falling short
Letter: Pedestrians putting themselves at risk (A pedestrian’s perspective)

Letter: Pedestrians putting themselves at risk (A pedestrian’s perspective)

What I do know is to this day I look both ways before crossing the street, even when I have the right of way
Poem: Ma's Diner remembered

Poem: Ma's Diner remembered

Ma’s diner was in North Bay. She fed the weak, the weary and poor. Lawyers and judges and police officers, and whoever walked in through her door
Letter: Where the Canadian Tire used to be

Letter: Where the Canadian Tire used to be

 In this age of Google Maps and GPS, asking for directions has gone by the wayside
Letter: Supporting children in learning their identity is important

Letter: Supporting children in learning their identity is important

'Sadly, safety is not a priority for children in recent months with the recent statements made by our provincial governments positioning on the rights of trans children and youth'
Letter: Optimism for North Bay's affordable housing issue

Letter: Optimism for North Bay's affordable housing issue

To the Editor: I write to express my guarded enthusiasm for the recent announcements from the federal government and the Ontario Ministry of Education that hold significant promise for addressing North Bay's affordable housing issue.