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BayToday, now with even more local news!

Google + We know you come to BayToday for the latest local news. But we also know that sometimes there is just way too much interesting stuff going on for us to fit it all in our main news feed.

We know you come to BayToday for the latest local news.

But we also know that sometimes there is just way too much interesting stuff going on for us to fit it all in our main news feed.

That means sometimes interesting stuff gets pushed to the side.




We don’t like when that happens, so we’ve created a new section called More Local, where we will be expanding our coverage of local news, events, fundraisers and the like.

So, if you don’t see what you’re looking for in our main news headlines, check out More Local under the News and Views section on the left-hand side of our main page.

Or, just click here.
