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Eat your Greens!

Friday evening guests filled the Urban Café to enjoy a gourmet vegetarian dinner in support of the local Million Acts of Green Campaign.

Friday evening guests filled the Urban Café to enjoy a gourmet vegetarian dinner in support
of the local Million Acts of Green Campaign.

The national campaign surpassed its million acts of green goal last Wednesday, and locally the North Bay group is working to reach the 10,000 acts of green by the end of February.
A brief "shout out" to North Bay is expected on CBC’s The Hour this coming tonight (Tuesday) when the original million acts of green goal is expected to be increased to further challenge Canadians to improve their environmental impact habits.

To date North Bay Million Acts of Green has hosted a free coffee morning at Twiggs for those who bought reusable mugs and arranged for some of the major grocers in town to offer reduced rate reusable shopping bags to reduce the use of throw away plastic bags.

Next on the groups "to do" list is a poster campaign to promote the use of reusable water bottles. To be help North Bay reach their goals please go to, sign up, select your acts of green and join the North Bay, Ontario group.