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The emergency backup goalie, Is a forty-two-year-old chap; He plays in nets as the Leafs practice, As at the puck the players slap.
Donation will aid kids hockey

Donation will aid kids hockey

'We believe that playing an organized sport as a youth promotes a passion for learning, provides leadership skills, and helps to develop lifelong friendships'
Cash available for pediatric services

Cash available for pediatric services

The funding will be used to increase access to children’s rehabilitation services, including speech-language pathology, physiotherapy and occupational therapy at One Kids Place Children’s Treatment Centre and North Bay Regional Health Centre
Kindergarten information nights begin this evening

Kindergarten information nights begin this evening

The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic School Board has an information session in a town near you
North Bay Humane Society set to host 2nd annual charity bonspiel

North Bay Humane Society set to host 2nd annual charity bonspiel

Curling for Kibble 2024 runs Saturday, January 20th at the North Bay Granite Club
Local Ukrainians to sing at Northgate

Local Ukrainians to sing at Northgate

About 20 Ukrainian families have moved to the city since Russia invaded their country
Summer jobs available with the OPP

Summer jobs available with the OPP

 Four summer job positions are available with the OPP within the Northeast region
Poem: The Busker

Poem: The Busker

If you hear a musician playing, On a windy downtown street; Stop by and give him a listen, He’ll sweep you off your feet
Cobalt sets new council pay policy

Cobalt sets new council pay policy

The new policy will see elected officials receive an annual increase in pay based on the 2022 pay rate plus CPI (consumer price index) to a maximum of 2.5 per cent
39 species and 2,900 individual birds during annual count

39 species and 2,900 individual birds during annual count

Most abundant birds observed were Mallards, Crows, Ravens, Blue Jays and Chickadees