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Village of Ghouls Haunts Second Saturday Stories Today

Village of Ghouls Haunts Second Saturday Stories Today

Harmon's quest for his white wolf may end before it even begins as his only ride off the mountain leaves him and Garmin stranded in chaos
Second Saturday Stories presents Gifted Chapter 1: The Bone Crib

Second Saturday Stories presents Gifted Chapter 1: The Bone Crib

I tell you even now the sweat that drenches me has little to do with the fire and more to do with the memory of that shaman’s hut. It walked like a man, but to this day I'm not convinced with certainty what that being was.
Fear will freeze you today in Second Saturday Stories.

Fear will freeze you today in Second Saturday Stories.

Readers will be transported from the safety of the estate fire place to the frost covered mountains of Eastern Germany where a younger Harmon is guided through a bizarre village constructed of war machines and animal skins. He and his guide are led to a strange being that seems to change forms in the dancing fire light. 
Second Saturday Stories Presents Gifted Teaser

Second Saturday Stories Presents Gifted Teaser

The old man has been silent for a half hour. He eyes the crackling flames with a practiced weariness before taking a swallow of brandy. Finally, sighing resigned, he verbalizes what the younger man already knows.  "I am dying, Lucian."
Second Saturday Stories returns with eeire wartime horror

Second Saturday Stories returns with eeire wartime horror

Though he is gifted with incredible luck, Harmon finds out it does not extend to those closest to him, and soon learns the price of arrogance. 
Local group spotlights northern writers: Second Saturday Stories

Local group spotlights northern writers: Second Saturday Stories

They are known as the Conspiracy of 3. A name I've now come to understand is the culmination of the nights readings. A secret agreement between many authors to entertain and stimulate the audience, to expand ones perspective, and of course, to hone their writing skills.
Second Saturday Stories Presents The Wraith Final Chapter: Revelations

Second Saturday Stories Presents The Wraith Final Chapter: Revelations

The sound of the boy's scream mingled with his own as he rose higher, his legs cramping from the tension. In the darkness behind him Ester’s necklace glowed, the light from it casting a sickly orange light across the floor. Clark opened his mouth, but his voice was lost in the spewing demonic rant that filled the empty darkness. 
Horror fiction concludes today in Second Saturday Stories

Horror fiction concludes today in Second Saturday Stories

They act fast to stop an ultimate evil, but even with the help will their efforts be too late? Will they lose one of their own? 
Second Saturday Stories Presents The Wraith Chapter 10: The Doll

Second Saturday Stories Presents The Wraith Chapter 10: The Doll

It feels like a lifetime slips by but Merfey finally opens his eyes. His flashlight sits across his lap illuminating the room he is in and for one sickening second he thinks there’s a massive black spider facing him. Merfey startles with a whimper and shines the light on it hoping it will skitter away, but instead sees it’s not a spider at all.
Be the first to preview today's chilling horror fiction

Be the first to preview today's chilling horror fiction

In his attempt to defeat one monster, Merfey has infuriated an ultimate evil, one that could leave Merfey and his friends trapped forever.