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Canada-Wide Amber Alert

Canada-Wide Amber Alert

RCMP Media Release ******************** The victim is Zachary Miller, 10 years old from the Whitewood area. He is a white male, 4'5" tall, 70 pounds with red hair and brown eyes.
IESO Issues Power Warning

IESO Issues Power Warning

Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) is urging consumers to reduce power usage today in light of anticipated record heat and humidity temperatures that will put a strain on the power supply.
KidSport Golf Tournament

KidSport Golf Tournament

Media Release ******************** North Bay SkyHawks, Lookout Terrace Golf Course & KidSport North Bay present the 1st Annual Golf with the Skyhawks Youth (14 & Under) Scramble Tournament Friday August 18th 2006.
KidSport Clinic

KidSport Clinic

Media Release ********************** KidSport North Bay is hosting a FREE Tennis Clinic for local youth between the ages of 10-15 years Monday August 21st - Friday August 25th 2006, from 1pm to 4pm Monday through Friday.
North Bay - - What's On Today...

North Bay - - What's On Today...

Media Release ******************** ONLY 3 DAYS TO GO!!! Key Updates: Waterfront parking lots are closed at 8:00am and are closed until August 8th Kate pace way closed from Stanley Street at Memorial Drive, along Memorial to the Uniroc site Tent City
Cyclist Killed Near Iron Bridge (Update)

Cyclist Killed Near Iron Bridge (Update)

OPP Media Release ******************** Just after 6:00 p.m. on Monday 31 July 06, a cyclist journeying across Canada to raise awareness for access to legal assistance, was struck and killed by a vehicle.
Special Delivery

Special Delivery

Chris Dawson speechless over stick North Bay looked on in absolute disbelief as they witnessed the devastation Louisiana and Mississippi sustained when Hurricane Katrina hit land on August 29, 2005.
Hwy 17 Down To One Lane

Hwy 17 Down To One Lane

OPP Media Release 7 p.m. ******************** East Algoma advised that Highway 17 just west of Iron Bridge is closed down to one lane due to a serious Motor Vehicle Collision involving a bicycle.
Adiós Muchachos (Updated)

Adiós Muchachos (Updated)

Viviani Covos in the centre is sad to say good bye to North Bay Visiting students from Nipissing University’s partner institution, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) who were involved in the Comprehensive Summer Study
Ministry Responds To Platinex Inc. KI Injunction Decision

Ministry Responds To Platinex Inc. KI Injunction Decision

Media Release ******************** The Ontario Superior Court of Justice’s recently released decision regarding a dispute between Platinex Inc.