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Feeding these will cause you grief

The ministry reminds the public that red foxes can carry rabies, mange and distemper.
red fox 2016

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry reminds people not to feed wild mammals, such as the red fox. 

Red foxes are excellent hunters and normally prey on small mammals and birds. If people feed foxes, either directly or indirectly, the animals will lose their fear of humans, adapt to that food source and it will be difficult to make them leave an area if they become a nuisance.

Foxes that are habituated to humans can result in aggressive behaviour, conflicts with people and create public safety concerns.

The ministry reminds the public that red foxes can carry rabies, mange and distemper.


  • Rabies is a fatal, viral disease with symptoms similar to distemper. Rabies can be transmitted to humans, livestock and pets. 
  • Mange, the most common disease of foxes across North America, is caused by mites, results in substantial hair loss and can be transmitted to humans and pets, such as dogs and cats.
  • Symptoms of mange include an itchy, red rash. Mange seldom results in significant health concerns and cannot be transmitted from human to human.
  • Distemper is an infectious and contagious viral disease of many domestic and wild carnivores, including foxes. This viral infection cannot be transmitted to humans or immunized pets
  • Feeding red foxes can also attract other unwanted animals to your property, resulting in conflicts and possible property damage.


§  Find out more on living with foxes.

§  Read more on feeding wildlife