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Ontario Northland's 'commitment to excellence' reaps $350M refurbishment deal

Ontario Northland's 'commitment to excellence' reaps $350M refurbishment deal

Crown agency will refurbish 121 GO Transit bi-level rail cars at its North Bay facility
$3,250,000 to help Wabi Iron & Steel innovate, grow, increase sales and exports

$3,250,000 to help Wabi Iron & Steel innovate, grow, increase sales and exports

The money will be used to upgrade and expand Wabi's foundry, the only facility of its kind in northern Ontario
North Bay plant refurbishes GO Transit cars made in Thunder Bay

North Bay plant refurbishes GO Transit cars made in Thunder Bay

A union spokesperson at the Alstom plant said he's 'not happy' work on passenger coaches built in Thunder Bay is going elsewhere
ONTC's 'commitment to excellence' reaps $350M refurbishment deal

ONTC's 'commitment to excellence' reaps $350M refurbishment deal

Ontario Northland will refurbish 121 GO Transit bi-level rail cars at its facility in North Bay as part of the ongoing service expansion across the GO rail network — and will support hundreds of manufacturing jobs and economic growth in northern Ontario
City signs $485,000 five-year naming agreement for Memorial Gardens

City signs $485,000 five-year naming agreement for Memorial Gardens

The company gets exclusive branding rights, including on the exterior of the Chippewa Street building and on the electronic sign out front
The North Bay Home & Garden Expo returns to Memorial Gardens with over 100 vendors

The North Bay Home & Garden Expo returns to Memorial Gardens with over 100 vendors

Exhibitors will be providing demonstrations and seminars to attendees all weekend long, showcasing the latest trends, tools, and techniques to inspire your home and garden projects
Northgate Shopping Centre parking garage situation improving

Northgate Shopping Centre parking garage situation improving

'We continue to evaluate parking capacity at the shopping centre, and will consider opening the upper levels of the parking garage as needed'
Expanding pizza chain hopes to impress in North Bay

Expanding pizza chain hopes to impress in North Bay

'I would say north of Newmarket, we are the favourite pizza chain in areas like Muskoka, from Port Elgin to Collingwood'
City of North Bay rakes in quarterly casino cash

City of North Bay rakes in quarterly casino cash

Since Cascades Casino opened in March 2022, North Bay has received $4,406,207 through the OLG Municipality Contribution Agreement
Mining the Northwest: Red Lake's Madsen Mine ready to restart

Mining the Northwest: Red Lake's Madsen Mine ready to restart

West Red Lake Gold Mines building out its workforce to reach commercial production by year's end