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Letters to the Editor

Letter: Return of the Northlander is only one step

Letter: Return of the Northlander is only one step

"If this is just a first stage of a longer-range plan. If that plan were to include upgrades to tracks including shallower curves, elimination of grade crossings, improved signaling, and probably electrification, it would make sense, and provide an attractive alternate connection to Toronto'
Letter: Harm reduction should be seen as a tool, nothing more

Letter: Harm reduction should be seen as a tool, nothing more

'We are essentially saying we’ll save your life today, come back tomorrow and we’ll do it again. This is your life now, this is as good as it gets'
Letter: What does Vic Fedeli know about fighting forest fires?

Letter: What does Vic Fedeli know about fighting forest fires?

When the season is over, and our backs and lungs are destroyed, staff look at their bank account and ask, 'Why did I do this?'
Letter: We all have a role fighting forms of intolerance

Letter: We all have a role fighting forms of intolerance

Ignorance, secretiveness, shame and guilt have plagued sex-ed conversations for years, habitually due to religious and cultural reasons, and this oblivious behaviour/attitude needs to stop
Letter: North Bay Hydro Services should make its financials public

Letter: North Bay Hydro Services should make its financials public

You as the President, COO and head of NBHS, as well as your predecessor, have personally caused NBHS to incur legal fees exceeding $100,000 in an effort to deny public access to the company’s annual financial statements
Letter: The northern family physician, a rare and fantastic breed part 2

Letter: The northern family physician, a rare and fantastic breed part 2

What happens when there aren’t enough specialists? Anyone who has accessed medical care in the last year will realize that there aren’t enough specialty doctors for the work
Letter: Tragedy felt across the north. More than symbolic gestures needed

Letter: Tragedy felt across the north. More than symbolic gestures needed

This tragedy occurring in a northern community, not unlike our own, is a devasting reminder of IPV’s lethal and heartbreaking impact on the lives of women and children
Letter: Why should you visit a local art gallery or museum

Letter: Why should you visit a local art gallery or museum

Regional Art Galleries are gems mostly unseen by the average citizen
Letter: So many questions surrounding new rink

Letter: So many questions surrounding new rink

Let’s go back and determine if we want a Taj Mahal as an arena or just a functional well-built arena
Letter: John Inch sticks up for his sister

Letter: John Inch sticks up for his sister

Sara apologized – I am not sure why considering she wasn’t allowed to share her experience or express her feelings – which still resulted in her unfair and frankly bogus discipline. North Bay should not have wasted $36,000 of taxpayer money on some Integrity Commissioner report for such a trivial matter