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Second Saturday Stories

Douse the campfire, the fright stops here

Douse the campfire, the fright stops here

His mag light shined on a pair of eyes staring back at him and a smile in the darkness. He gasped, adrenaline making his legs seem to vibrate, there was someone else in there with them! Recognition arrived a second later as he realised it was a face he knew.
Second Saturday Stories concludes campfire frights today

Second Saturday Stories concludes campfire frights today

You see it was a night just like this one, at a bluff not far from here. A couple had pulled over in their car to take in the night. They had the radio on low when suddenly the music was broken by a news bulletin. Barely a half hour ago someone had escaped from a high security prison close by.
Join troop 15 around the campfire as Willy finishes his story.

Join troop 15 around the campfire as Willy finishes his story.

After three calls to the office in three weeks his mother started to get worried. When her son didn’t grow out of the strange new phase he had adopted, the next visit was to the doctor who assured Barbara Dodson that her son, like her radio and television, was fine. 
Second Saturday Stories continues campfire creepshow

Second Saturday Stories continues campfire creepshow

In the stillness that followed Bill wet his lips and settled on the question he knew he would ask regardless of what the name was, and now that he was on the verge of asking, he felt his stomach roll and like his legs were made of spaghetti
Gather back 'round the campfire for the conclusion of Derek's story

Gather back 'round the campfire for the conclusion of Derek's story

Over the weeks I split wood, I cleaned the gutters, and I helped him level the place. I didn’t want to do the last one, the small cavity under the cabin looked like the perfect home for a porcupine or a skunk (or a wolf) and I wasn’t about to be (eaten) sprayed.
Second Saturday Stories brings you another frightful tale told by the campfire.

Second Saturday Stories brings you another frightful tale told by the campfire.

The Scouts of Troop 15 return this week to continue their tales of terror around the campfire. So far we've met the troop and their forlorn Scouter who is locked out of the camp. We've heard from Brayden and had Brian introduce his story and then finish it. This week it's Derek's turn.
Entombed: Brian's Story Continues in Second Saturday Stories

Entombed: Brian's Story Continues in Second Saturday Stories

As he sprinted through the darkness trying to find his way back, he’d lost track of anyone left alive. Seeing Andrews at the mouth of the tomb had been a relief. That was until Abbot saw his eyes and realised Andrews had made the jaunt from sanity into absolute madness, and as he raised the useless flashlight above his head Abbot could hear screams from above.
Second Saturday Stories gives a frightful sample of today's campfire tale.

Second Saturday Stories gives a frightful sample of today's campfire tale.

Second Saturday Stories offers a fresh instalment of the Campfire Frights from Troop #15 serial started last week. When a scout camp is inexplicably locked when they arrive, four Boyscouts amuse themselves telling scary stories around the campfire while the Scouter tries to find a way into the camp. Second Saturday Stories will be running the entirety of the story every weekend until October 30th. 
Campfire Frights From Troop 15 continues with Brayden's Story

Campfire Frights From Troop 15 continues with Brayden's Story

When she saw what made her trip she furrowed her brow in confusion. What she was seeing didn't line up with where she was and the resulting optical illusion gave her nausea. A small creeping voice in the back of her head grew loud enough for her to actually process what it had been whispering for the last two hours: she was in trouble. 
Second Saturday Stories gets it's 'fright on' all October

Second Saturday Stories gets it's 'fright on' all October

When a scout camp is inexplicably locked when they arrive, four Boyscouts amuse themselves telling scary stories around the campfire while the Scouter tries to open the camp.