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Warrior’s Gold

Warrior’s Gold

The small resort town of Huntsville was invaded on Saturday August 12. It was an invasion that the town expected, but nonetheless was at times overwhelming at Avery Beach on Hunter’s Bay.
Happy Birthday, Fidel

Happy Birthday, Fidel

On August 13, Fidel Castro will reach his eightieth year and some folk in Washington DC are planning a party for him.
By-law Enforcement

By-law Enforcement

The recent kafuffle over the City of North Bay’s Noise By-law and its exceptions and enforcement brings to the fore how the City tries to regulate our behaviour.
In Harm’s Way

In Harm’s Way

We seem to be developing a strong penchant for putting ourselves in harm’s way and then expecting our government (other Canadian citizens) to haul us back to safety when things run amok.
Running for Office

Running for Office

(A Disraeli Club Report) Thursday is scotch night at the Disraeli Club. Tuesdays we drink martinis, but on our other meeting night, we celebrate the coming weekend by drinking a fine scotch.
To Pay or Not to Pay

To Pay or Not to Pay

To pay, or not to pay: that is the question: Whether it is lighter on the pocket to suffer The demands of outrageous Health budgets, Or to take arms against a sea of torts, And by defying, end them? To lie: to weep; No more; enough we say, we end the
Cruisin’ 60/50

Cruisin’ 60/50

When my brother called to say that he had heard about a great motorcycle trip I thought he was referring to one of the day-long jaunts we do on the back roads on Central Ontario.
Turn Off The Lights

Turn Off The Lights

(A Disraeli Club Report) It was a wet and windy Tuesday last week when we met at the Disraeli for our after-work martini.
No Farting Allowed

No Farting Allowed

Ottawa City council stopped short of posting No Farting signs in their buildings last week. They instead opted to try an awareness program to ease the discomfort and suffering of people who have allergic reactions to air-borne smells and particles.
The Reformation

The Reformation

It is beginning to look like the Conservative government under Harper is heading for a period of reform in Canadian politics. Unelectable under the party name of Reform, the new conservatives are bringing a refreshing change to our federal politics.