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Why I Stopped Drinking Coke

Why I Stopped Drinking Coke

We all know that we should not believe any sales advertising. Aunt Martha told me this, many years ago.
The Beautiful American

The Beautiful American

We watched the old Marlon Brando movie on TVO Saturday night, and although we had seen it before, The Ugly American was worth a reprise. It is a movie that should be required viewing by all the Presidential candidates before each US election.
Wii Plex

Wii Plex

On Christmas day, I was introduced to the wonderful world of Nintendo Wii. My grandnephews had a direct line to Santa and they were soon waving wands at this magical box and having a great time.
A Gift of Time

A Gift of Time

This Christmas, I am reminded of a saying my Grandfather brought out around this time of year: “It’s not the gift that counts, but the wrapping!” This was quite appropriate for an older gentleman whose work-hardened hands and arthritic fingers seldom
Lead, Follow or . . .

Lead, Follow or . . .

The quote from Thomas Paine, ‘Lead, follow or get out of the way’ has been used by everyone from the US Marines to the $300 per hour motivational speakers on the rubber chicken circuit.
We are a Sorry Lot

We are a Sorry Lot

Canadians have a reputation for being overly polite, a trait that is very useful in some situations, very annoying in others.


The title of this column may look a little cryptic, but if you have been following the news lately, you will quickly recognize it for what it is.
Saudi Rape

Saudi Rape

You may have missed the news article last week that stirred my hackles. One of the United States’ closest allies in the Middle East (and by default, one of ours) was featured in an Associated Press story coming out of Saudi Arabia.


“There is no conclusive evidence that Tasers cause death," Ontario Community Safety Minister Rick Bartolucci told reporters outside a meeting of justice ministers Thursday, November 14, one month after RCMP in Vancouver airport used a taser with fata


On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, the guns fell silent. It was the end of the ‘Great War’, the “war to end all wars’, or as it became to be known, World War I.