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Penny Wise

Too Busy Busyness or Business?

Too Busy Busyness or Business?

I know you’re busy so I’m going to get to the point: we use the excuse or the story that we’re ‘too busy’ all the time. Regardless of what you’re spending your time doing, you’re filling it with something. But are you filling it with the right things?
The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision

Are you familiar with the concept of a "vision board"? A vision board is a visual space upon which you can post pictures of what you want to attract into your life. My friends and I have made vision boards as a social/craft activity and hung them on our walls in sight of our daily routines. We found, miraculously, that the items we placed on the board appeared in our lives.
Be Silent and Be Rich

Be Silent and Be Rich

We are so conditioned to life’s sound bites of information that reach us through email, text messages, web media, television and radio, as well as in our work and family lives, that we are forgetting how to be still, to be silent, and to find solitude. We are lacking mindfulness and attention toward our inner self.
When Sweet Relationships Go Sour

When Sweet Relationships Go Sour

Resolving conflict is challenging when people just pick up their toys and go home. Here’s a throwback of a video I play for audiences often. If you or someone you know has had an important (sweet) relationship go sour, you’ll benefit from this.
Let's Dig Into Gossip

Let's Dig Into Gossip

Workplace gossip is rampant. So let’s take a moment to dig into gossip and see what it’s made of.
Dealing with Gossip in your Workplace

Dealing with Gossip in your Workplace

I get asked the question time and time again… “What do you say to stop gossip that’s coming at you? Here are my suggestions. First, in a previous leadership tip, I’ve described gossip as “… always negative. If you’re talking trash about
Recognition for Dads - Fishing Close to Bottom

Recognition for Dads - Fishing Close to Bottom

This original content was posted six years ago, but it never gets old to me. I want to honour all the men that I’ve worked with over the years, especially those who weren’t afraid to be honest and vulnerable in the work of conflict resolution.
Verbal Abuse in the Workplace

Verbal Abuse in the Workplace

How do we know when to end a relationship that is unhealthy? Workplaces and personal relationships are fertile grounds for verbal abuse. Knowing what it is, sounds like or feels like is an important start in dealing with it.
The Sandwich Technique

The Sandwich Technique

If you have to convey information or feedback that is positive, it is easier to maintain good personal relations with people.  However, if you need to reprimand or provide constructive feedback or even discuss issues that are negative, being effective and building rapport becomes much more difficult, but even more important.
Defeat Depression in the Workplace

Defeat Depression in the Workplace

Most workplaces are not a safe place to talk about mental illness, so first and foremost, we need to change the perception that it is ok to talk openly about mental health.  I hope you’ll join me for the Defeat Depression Walk in North Bay on May 25, 2019!