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Through Conflict to Collaboration – A practical guide to peace and productivity in the workplace

There is only one way through conflict and that’s through it; not around it, over it or under it. People think that “Playing Nice in the Sandbox” is all fun and games, but sometimes there’s a sandstorm, and someone’s gotta be “king or queen of the castle” and take action before the dust will settle. Have no fear, a Roadmap is here with 8 steps to help you PLAY NICE when the going gets tough. 

PLAY NICE in the Sandbox

There is only one way through conflict and that’s through it; not around it, over it or under it. People think that “Playing Nice in the Sandbox” is all fun and games, but sometimes there’s a sandstorm, and someone’s gotta be “king or queen of the castle” and take action before the dust will settle. 

Most people avoid conflict because it has an awkwardness or discomfort about it. Even the word itself sounds like ‘combat’, but the truth is that healthy teams and partnerships embrace conflict because it makes them stronger. 

I’ve developed a Relationship Roadmap to walk you Through Conflict to Collaboration step by step. Although every conflict is unique, these steps will guide you to understand and stay the course so you can emerge knowing that you tried your best. 

People don’t often quit jobs…they quit managers or teams and leave toxicity for something healthier. Conflict costs corporate North America approximately 359 billion dollars each year, and the stress from mismanaged relationships is the number one reason for mental health issues resulting in lost time from work. 

Have no fear, a Roadmap is here with 8 steps to help you PLAY NICE when the going gets tough.


Here’s step #1 

Step #1 - Posture yourself for success 

I always say, you can’t build a castle on quicksand, meaning that you’ve got to be solid. Personal leadership is foundational to professional development. This is thinking ‘inside the box’, which is probably the most useful posturing work you’ll ever invest in. Using books, audio, attending seminars and education to get a regular dose of leading yourself, and working on your inner strength will increase your self-worth and confidence. 

Keep in mind that no matter what the circumstance or conflict, you have the ability to choose your response to it. Know that you are response-able. Your behavior is a choice. You get to decide what you want, and then act accordingly. (Sounds so easy on paper, but it’s difficult because when our emotions get rocked, we usually forget all logic and act from our reptile brain that wants to fight, flight or freeze.) If you have a clear vision of what you want, and you envision it often (daily), then you’re very likely to create it. Be response-able, humble, and stand strong in your vision of how you see this role of leadership.

Download the complete Roadmap to move Through Conflict toward improved cooperation and collaboration in your workplace. 

Relationships are important. There are times when entanglements require intervention. Reach out to an HR person, conflict resolution specialist, or mediator like myself. I am enthusiastic and interested in helping you restore your workplace to peace and productivity. Call me because your greatest leadership day is with Penny Tremblay.

About the Author: Penny Tremblay

Serving Northern Ontario, professional development, training, coaching and keynote speaking engagements.
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