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Greg McGrath-Goudie

Greg McGrath-Goudie

Greg McGrath-Goudie got started in journalism as a student news editor at Lakehead University, where he completed bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English. Following graduation, he freelanced for a number of publications before landing with Village Media in 2021, where he has worked as an LJI reporter for CollingwoodToday, and now as a city hall/general assignment reporter for OrilliaMatters

[email protected]

Recent Work by Greg

European hornet in Ontario stokes fears of 'murder hornet'

European hornet in Ontario stokes fears of 'murder hornet'

'It’s non-native, it’s large, and it will compete,' warns local naturalist Bob Bowles who fears the European hornet could crowd out native yellowjackets
BEYOND LOCAL: Orillia calls on province to declare gender-based violence an epidemic

BEYOND LOCAL: Orillia calls on province to declare gender-based violence an epidemic

'When we label it as an epidemic, I do believe it draws more attention to the issue,' said Coun. Jay Fallis as Orillia became 95th municipality to join 'wave of change'
'Shameful': Ontario Liberal leader blasts Ford government at Orillia conference

'Shameful': Ontario Liberal leader blasts Ford government at Orillia conference

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing concedes relationship between province, municipalities can be 'a bit challenging' but touted 'remarkable recovery' under Ford
Frustrated Orillia man ticketed for using mobility scooter on roadways

Frustrated Orillia man ticketed for using mobility scooter on roadways

'If it’s not an e-bike, and it's not a car, and it's not a motorcycle, and it's not a low-speed vehicle, what is it?' asks man seeking pedestrian rights for people with disabilities
'Robbery': Orillia dad's Easter ruined over failed DoorDash delivery

'Robbery': Orillia dad's Easter ruined over failed DoorDash delivery

'Pretty much everything was Easter stuff for my kids, so I had nothing to give them on Easter,' Orillia man says of gifts he said were never delivered
BEYOND LOCAL: Man homeless again amid alcohol, 'complex' mental health issues

BEYOND LOCAL: Man homeless again amid alcohol, 'complex' mental health issues

'It feels very disheartening to be back in this spot, and without help. Nobody wants anything to do with me, and now it's just me in the cold nights,' said Tyler Dunlop
New Orillia bylaw allows fire department to recover costs for its services like accidents

New Orillia bylaw allows fire department to recover costs for its services like accidents

Orillia fire chief says he expects the fire department to recoup about $150,000 in 2024 — in all cases, funds will come from citizens' insurance companies
Squatters in broken-down RV leave restaurant owner fuming

Squatters in broken-down RV leave restaurant owner fuming

'Nobody can remove them off my property unless I pay for it. It doesn't even make any sense,' says frustrated Orillia property owner
'Wasting away': Woman advocates for advance consent on MAID as husband suffers

'Wasting away': Woman advocates for advance consent on MAID as husband suffers

'It’s awful. This last year has been particularly the hardest part to see him in the state that he's in,' says Kristine Johnston of husband with late stage Alzheimer's
Brazen Highway 11 sign accuses lawyers, judges, bankers of crimes

Brazen Highway 11 sign accuses lawyers, judges, bankers of crimes

Though the 'sign is in contravention of the township’s sign bylaw, meaning it is not legally displayed,' the sign remains perched on one of province's busiest highways
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